Some stuff about me
You sure do ask a lot of questions kid.
I’m Australian by birth, but grew up living in China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia (anything to get away from the Port Phillip Bay Spider-King).
I managed to ingeniously get out of Southeast Asia without learning a single language, and then finished high school and college in Melbourne, where I focussed on writing, film, marketing, and the oxford comma. In 2020 I moved to New York City to work in advertising and eat 99cent pizza, not necessarily in that order.
But what about comedy?! Great question Derrick.
When I’m not working or sleeping I’m making comedy. I like stand up, sketch, political commentary, and television writing. I think it doesn’t count as good political comedy to just tell your audience what they want to hear. I’m worried TV peaked when Tina Fey wrote 30 rock. I hate when stand up sets start with a self-deprecating joke about the comedian's looks. I feel like sketch comedy is at its best when it utilises sight and editing gags. I know I will never write anything funnier than a robot slipping on a banana peel.
Some stuff that is smart comedy